With the expectations of the inflation figures we followed from the United States yesterday, the demand for us 2 and 10-year bond interest rate has had a positive impact on dollar assets. On the other hand, the Fed's policies will support the country's economy for another three years, while the FED's President, Jerome Powell, underscored that the economy is in a very good position. It was also striking that Powell stated that growth would slow down if trade wars increased, and that there could be changes in fed policies. On the European side, today there is no significant data flow, but the withdrawals from Germany's bond returns have been put pressure on the euro side. For the rest of the day, the Federal Reserve is in the second year of 2018. in addition to the monetary policy report it will publish for the first time, Michigan expectation Polls from the United States will be announced. In addition, trade wars, bond market movements and future statements from the Fed officials will be followed.We see that sales have deepened with the technical failure to maintain on the area of 1.1730 - 1.1710. 1.1580 beams to keep sales going. With the break, 1.1505 support point could become a target in the first place. On the up side, resistance levels of 1.1760, 1.1785 and 1.1810 can be monitored in the upward attacks that will start with the passage of 1.1730 - 1.1710 zone.
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