Love Is not just good for the emotional ticker, it is good for thing beating in your chest as well. Positive emotional sustenance, especially in the long-term, has been shown to reduce risk of angina, particularly in men. An american journal of medicine study, in which research data was collected for 10,000 men, cited that those who felt'loved and supported" by a partner had a reduced risk of angina, even in cases where there were other factors, such as advanced age of elevated blood pressure.

[b][i]Meanwhile, studies from san diego state and the University of Pittsburgh indicated that women in good marriages had a much lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than those who were in non-supportive or stressful relationships.Want more Evidence that amour is good for the hear? in 2013 finish study put out by European journal of preventive Cardiology revealed that tying the knot reduced the risk of hear attacks(fatal and no-fatal) for men and women of all ages.The researchers studied evidence of 15,000 cardiac cases over a period of 10 years,and concluded that acute events were 58 to 66 percent higher in single men, and 60 to 65 percent higher in single women, as compared to those living in a state of wedded bliss .

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