The trinity god are not watching
The mountain god are not watching
The sacred water is not watching
The temple authorities are not watching
The fellow beings are not watching
The secret society is not watching
Those who are watching are my natural friends
Those who are not watching are my divine friends
Towards the methods
I come across
Towards the inward I come cross across
I lived all my life fully
I cautioned all my life with disability
My hunger is only withdrawn
My thirst is only withdrawn
I am eating food
I do not understand the meaning of food
Do you have courage?
I have systematic courage
To me the hunger and thirst are made by sun
My hunger and thirst are uneven
I do not want to survive without food and water
But if necessity arises I can compromise my
This means the only way to live in this earth will be really tough
I know I am keen in helping every one
But people are reluctant to listen me
I know the people are ambitious only to make more money
The key inward nature is Adwaita
Success is measured by how sweet his words are
Failure is a measure of how discrepant disturbing the words
I know every art
I know every cat
I know every animal
I know every human
If they challenge me they will survive
If they listen me they will not survive
I know I am mastering
I know I am reading
I know I am galloping
I know I am withering
The sun and moon are not listening
The earth and mars are keeping quite
The Jupiter and venus are crying
The Neptune and other planets are shivering
The universe is withdrawing
The creation is becoming imbalanced
The nature is withdrawing
The sun is withdrawing
The moon is dissipating
I am listening
I am listening
If this continues
The creation will collapse
I will not survive
But the people will survive
I know I am not with the peoples understanding
I know I am reluctant leader
To be honest if any one deserves my presence they are lucky
Towards the justice I am moving
If any one obstructs they will loose
The creation is in the verge of collapse
I am listening
But I will not continue
I will not bring
I will not handle
I will bow to the sun
I will bow to the earth
Soon there will be loss of sight to many
Soon there will be loss of harmony in many
This is caused because they are not listening to me
I am listening to the world
The nature is listening to me
The creamation is already present
I am not going to live or die
For me there is only one proportion
The result is not given
The result is generic
The preparation is not generic
I am holding
I am the queen of the palace
I am the king of the place
I do not support any one
I will not support any one
To the final judgment the day is progressing
To the eventuality the mankind is living
I am listening
I am listening
Are you listening my voice?
Are you listening my breath?
I am mastering
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