
Have you ever start your morning making Surya Namaskar?
I want to tell you some things about this amazing yoga exercise.

I found a good explanation about it:
1)Boosts your overall health
Incorporating the Surya Namaskar into your daily routine can make a positive difference to your life. When done correctly, it provides a complete body warm-up as well as mental awareness. The process involves taking deep breaths while doing the 12 asanas which is beneficial for one’s health.
2)Improves digestion
3)Gives you rock-hard abs
Your abdominal muscles are strengthened when the asanas are performed on a regular basis meaning that your core muscles including your abs get a great workout. You can also try theseexercises for a flat and toned stomach.
4) , the lungs are thoroughly ventilated and the blood remains oxygenated.
5) It helps improve your memory and nervous system and also helps calm you down and get rid of anxiety.
6)The asanas performed in surya namaskar workout your entire body, making you more flexible and agile.
7If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, then this exercise will help you suppress the irregularity.
8)If toned arms and a broad chest if what you want, then surya namaskar is for you.
9_keep you youthful and healthy even in old age. It improves your blood circulation that aids in bringing back the glow on your face; preventing the onset of wrinkles, making your skin look ageless and radiant.
10)Helps in weight loss

Have a great day Everyone!
With love,Alexana
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