"I feel bad in a relationship ... My man sometimes behaves in a way that I do not like. But h know for sure that this is my man! I'm waiting for him to change. "

It sounds a bit strange, do not you think?

The woman chose a man for herself. She met him, met, she liked and she chose him. He is what he is and behaves in a certain way. Why? Because he was so formed in his childhood. He was taught something, invested in him some kind of upbringing, taught him some kind of culture. He is what he is.

It is best to take the man completely. And rejoice that he is like that. But if you do not like something? There is some trait that is not close. Something he does, somehow he does things that are not very pleasant and really want him to not do it. This man should be told. Required. He may or may not know that a woman does not like it.

And then there are two options, it will either penetrate and change something in itself, or not. And this is his right. He is the way he is. The woman chose him that way. But he will explain why he can not do it. And then it's up to the woman to decide whether she is ready to accept it or not. In general, if a man has feelings, he is more likely to change something in himself than not.

If a woman asks him about it. Does not require or order, but requests. And gives him what he needs. If he appreciates it. She considers her a woman. And if he is not ready to change, then it is worth asking - a woman is ready to accept such a man as a whole and not suffer from what he does or vice versa, does not. This is a very important issue.

And if she is not ready to accept and he does not change, then one does not need to be with such a man. Its internal state is more important. Because there can be many relationships, but a woman is alone. And it is very important to understand women who are waiting for changes from a man and suffer from a relationship that they do not like.

And the sooner they understand this and understand, the better it will be for them. You do not have to suffer, you have to live. Do you expect changes from your man?
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