When I woke up several days ago and looked at the thermometer, I freezed. It showed -27 degrees Celsius. Actually such temperature is rare in our region where all winters usually aren't colder than -5. And it was better to stay at home than to go for a walk but I went out regardless of the frost.
It's really bad sensation to rub the nose due to the frost that bites it continually like piercing needles. So I had to come to the shops in order to warm my nose and limbs.
Though, such a cold weather has its beauty. I stood beside the river and saw its flow that was frozen over by the ice. If you live in warm regions you never know how it is to trample down the snow which crunches. This crunch is not usual, it's peculiar in the place you live. It appears when the temperature is lower than -15 degrees Celsium.
And the picture you see in such a frost is beautiful when it combines with the sun in the south-west. And the sparks on the snow are stunning. They are as on the picture below but it's better to see them in reality.

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