From the very childhood my parents tought me that the most important thing that you can give to someone is your attention. And now, when I grew up I understand that it is a true. You may buy expensive jewellery, cars, phones and so one. but if you will give it with no emotions, with no feelings, or if you will pay no You at the same time - there is no need for such gifts. Don't you think so?
I adore make presents. I can spend my salary just to make someone happy with the gift and it wodnerful. Still, I love to make presents by my self
For example I've done this wonderful photo album for my boyfriend :

The are 10 or 15 pages. there are photos, some our memories , mails, poems. It took me 1 week to make it, it was very hard (because it was my first album) but it really worth it! And the reaction was amazing!
Another thing that I've done is wonderful rose for my mom :

It's so gentle, so romantic. Honestly, it took me just 5 minutes to do. In the previous year I've make for my mummy this one :

What do you thing about it?

Well.. I do buy presents too. Many and different. But I can't remember when I didn't make a present DIY Of course it's hard and you need to spend some time on it. But exactly this makes it different from another and really special.
Another , very easy gift is coffee ball. Just take a styrofoam and glue coffee beans to it! I promise, you'll fall inlove with it

So..!! Try to make special gift for everyone. And if you can't - surf the internet - there are sooooo many kinds of ideas! And don't forget, that now is a special ,magic time of the year. Make someone's dream come true
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