Hey Ho! Let's go!

Hi Everyone!
Im Glad to see here those who Im already Know and remember.
Too much things had happaned to me, and I want to share everything with you
This year is "katch up" year for me. Im finishing stuff I start before and want to bring untill the end.
Yjis is all my portfolios and projects, you will know about it soon.

This half of the year Im activly took part in filming, advertisements, art projects.
Everyday is new and Im glad I found time to come back here, because I miss blogging.

That's cool #missdukascopy got Instagram page, Im not into Instagram too much, but I like sharing best moments here.
so you can find my page and follow

soon I will post more)
Have a great day! And take care!

With love,Alexana.

I add some photos below

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