Dears traders,

It´s a long time since I wrote my last blog and today for me it´s a day to celebrate.

A few weeks ago a friend sent me a video that contain a great message and I want to share with you.

"A group of professionals, all winners in their respective carriers, got together to visit their old teacher.
Soon the told became in endless complaints about the "stress" that work made them and life in general.

The teacher offered them coffee, went to the kichen and soon returned with a coffee pot and a selection of the most eclectic cups:porcelain,plastic, glass,crystal - some simple and cheap,others decorated; some expensive,some really exquisite...

Calmly told them to pick up a cup and serve a bit of brewed coffee.
When they had done so, the old master cleared his throat and calmly and patiently he headed to the group.

You may have noticed that all the cups that were prettier be finished first and left a few of the most simple and inexpensive; what is natural because everyone prefers the best for himself.

That´s really the cause of many problems related to stress.

He continues: I assure you that the cup will not add quality to the coffee. Indeed cup or coated only disguises what we drink.
What you want was coffee, not the cup, but instinctively you sought the best. Then you started to look at the cups from the others.

Now think about this: Life is the coffee.

The work,money, status, etc...are mere cups that share and support life. And the type of cup we have, does not define or really change the quality of life we lead. Often,by concentrating only in the cup we fail to enjoy the coffee.

Enjoy your coffee!!

The happiest people are not who have the best of everything, but do the best with what they have, so, remember it: Enjoy every moment of your life.

Do not mortify yourself about what you do not have or you can not change.

Have peace.

Invest in your spirutial riches.

Make your life a party every day.

Visualize 10 minutes every day how good you want to be seeing in your life.

The rest leave it to God.

And remember: the richiest person is not the one who has more, is who requires less.

Enjoy your coffee!!

Thanks to my friend for give me respect, friendship and affection.

God Bless you and ....ENJOY YOUR COFFEE!! "

Have a nice weekend!!
Enjoy your coffee always and I wish you a great trading for next week.


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