Why would you be with a woman you do not love? But it happens so. And often enough.

For example. A man meets a woman. He likes her. And often it happens that even more than like. At the level of attraction, it's just a passion. Everything he is ready to do for her. And love to confess, and marry, and give birth to children. While there is love, anything can be done.

Or else it happens. The man meets the woman and like as especially does not pull, but so, normally in general. It seems like some kind of relationship appears. Not everything is smooth, but bearable. And it seems that she insists on marrying even. Well, why not? Once it's necessary. And so the family is born.

Or else it can be so. The man liked the woman, but there are no reciprocal feelings. And he just gets it. Everything does to achieve. But she still does not respond with feelings. But the man does not give up. For years he can "besiege the fortress". And now, a miracle happened, she gave up. Relationships began. As a rule, a family is also created in this case quickly.

Do you know what unites all these stories? What happens next. After a while, the relationship deteriorates. A man no longer responds to a woman, does not want to hear it, does not accept the way she is, tries to adjust her for himself, is not ready for dialogue, runs away from home. A woman and the relationship itself is a burden to him.

Many men think they love a woman, but in fact they are not. If a man loves, he has an inner need for a relationship with a woman, a desire to do something for her. And if it not love, then the feelings are not the same. No, they too can be certain: sympathy, affection, dependence (yes, men also suffer this), but this is not love in the full sense of the word for a woman.

And either this relationship ends, or drag on for years with a misunderstanding, "sawing" and scandals. And why? Because the man immediately chose not his beloved woman. Hurried up, did not understand, and in general, not everyone realizes, and what is love. Some people do not even have a request for love. In this sense, only time can put everything in its place. No need to hurry.

Did you encounter this attitude of a man?
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