Cheat is a choice, not a consequence.
I am not sure if I can forgive a cheat. Nobody cheat to me so far. But I did. Many times. I can’t stop. Don’t want to give you excuses but true. If I feel desire, I follow it. No way to stop. Otherwise it’s gonna be like a virus which is in your head become more and more annoying till moment when owns your head completely. It’s kind of curiousy. Like new fruit or car. But I think people accept it too serious. Because in the end cheating is just animal desire for short period. Like A new toy. You play with it 1-2 days and then it stops to be that interesting. That’s why it’s just physical, because is not deep. Just after we feel guilty because social borders say us it’s bad, everybody will judge you. But why they judge if somebody can do the same if you give them a chance ?
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