Your Mind is Intricately Linked to Your Physical Activity …
Just as your thoughts may be able to alter your physical body, physical exercise also protects and beneficially alters your brain. In fact, while staying engaged mentally and socially are known to be important for brain health, research suggests physical activity may actually be even more important to keep your brain healthy and prevent brain shrinkage as you age.Among people in their 70s, those who were the most physically active had less signs of aging in their brains than those who weren’t, while engaging in intellectually challenging or social activities appeared to have no effect, one study found.The bottom line is, you can very well harness the power of your thoughts to create real physical changes in your body. And on the flipside, physical activity can also lead to positive changes in your brain. A lifestyle that encourages both of these modalities is likely going to give you the most benefit now and in the years to come.

Do this everyday, you will see the changes
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