Life decluttering is not a one-time only activity but a lifetime activity that should be done on a regular basis. It is not just about throwing needless things. For more success and happiness, a full life declutter is needed involving your physical, mental, emotional environments as well as habits and relationships.

Let’s start with the physical environment. It’s your home, workspace, handbag, car, etc. There can be a lot of old and useless things that you have kept over years. You may keep those things as you think you may need them one day, or you may keep as you just can’t make yourself throw a thing once you have paid for. So you may consider buying some stuff such as boxes for organizing your cluttered stuff and making your space look clean. Don’t hurry on buying those organizing boxes, but firstly start with getting rid of the stuff you don’t actually need. Maybe after it you will not even need those organizing items.

There may be a lot of justifying reasons for why you keep useless things, however, to declutter your physical environment, you need to throw those things away if you don’t use them or give to someone else who may use. If you can’t throw away or donate, consider selling.

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