Hello out there,

as a programmer and a trader I was really thrilled when I discovered that there is a Java Platform on which you actually can build strategies and test them. I used MQL4/5 before and I hated it. Okay, I have to admit that I consider Java a very beautifull and sophisticated language - actually probably the most beautifull and readable language that there is - this is however a personal opinion, so please don't start throwing rocks at me now.
So, excited as I was, I asked Papa Google where this magical place is, where you can write code and trade at the same time. Finally I found what I was looking for all those years. It was late at night and I was tired, but when the first lines of code I was actually writing with the JForex API poped onto the screen I was delighted. I don't know why, but there is always this great promise of happiness, when you see those two words - HELLO WORLD - on your screen.
So what will be next, what strategy will be implemented, and of course - will it work. I went to bed that night with lots of ideas and even more questions.
The next day I tried to work as focused as possible to have some time to look at the API and of course the wiki, which proved to be one of the best wikis I have ever seen. Actually it is one big tutorial. I don't know who is responsible for it, but it is great. So, when I managed to get back to my IDE to start programming I already thought of something. Lets try to implement the Turtle Traders strategy. It is simple, it works and it can be improved by changing the parameters quickly. So I started working on it.
I have to admit, that it is not working yet, but there are only minor difficulties I have to overcome.
I will keep you updated on my progress, I promise.
Take good care of yourself and good luck
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