So, these are my resolutions for 2014. Before I start I want to explain why I went for this type of presentation.

In my understanding NY resolutions are first of all my dreams. I used to dream a LOT every day before I go to sleep, just lying in bed and thinking about my dreams. What is dream for child – it’s plan for adult!

So dream = plan,
and plan = goals,
goals = targets
targets = resolutions


Following this long logic chain I have decided to go for child way of presenting – Paint drawings with my dreams, but with real faces of reality as I’m not a child anymore. Hope you’ll like it!

I got a lot of joy by drawing that, also I really hope my friends and family will forgive me for using their pictures without permission – I did it with good purposes!!!

I won’t make order, for me they all are important, so just numeration for count:


In 2014 I want to travel a lot. I want to visit many new places in Europe and also America. My biggest dream is make a real road trip for 2 weeks with my friends, go to see Europe, starting with France and Germany. Ideally I would make 2 road trips. First in Portugal for summer season, to get some tan and beach experience (I want to go all over the beaches there). Second as I said, France, Germany etc. when there is no heat anymore, probably in September. America is still under the question mark, but let’s keep it here!


I want to find new musicians to cooperate with, ideally – rock band with a bit electronic. If I became Miss Dukascopy, why can’t I become Miss Rockstar? Also I want to prepare the program and start performing in 2014. I can’t live without live performances and I miss them SO MUCH.


I want to stop working in the Office!!! I want to spend more time doing my own business project, doing live trading, doing music, photos etc. and at some point start earning with any of these activities more than my actual salary in the office is. That’s when I’ll wake up completely because offices make you a real ZOMBIE and eat your brain.. By that I mean it’s really hard to get rid of it – it’s warm and stable, money guaranteed etc.. But you know what - fcuk it! I think I worth more than that.

4. ART

I want to keep going forward with my photoshooting, maybe even start doing photos myself. I am keen on re-touching pictures in photoshop, and I know a lot about photographer’s work and studio lightening just by working with them for so many years. I’d love to make photosessions with pretty young girls, develop the ideas, places for shooting and styling, and I’m good with organization, so could be good thing to do!


I want to help more and support my family, especially my mum and my man. I hope I’m doing it already, at least I try to do my best, but I want to keep going and help them in any area of life as much as I can. This also includes spending more time with them and having more fun together.


I want to keep connections with my UK and Latvian friends! I know it’s hard when everyone has full time job with different schedules, private lives and blah blah blah, but I’m already doing steps towards it – in UK I’m gathering everyone who lives in London, also when I am in Riga I'm trying to meet all my good friends and believe me there are more than on this picture These are just lucky ones who got here!


I want to dance – contemporary ballet and do more fitness during the year, want ideal ABS etc. Actually last Saturday I went to my first contemporary ballet class (I was doing something similar around 12 years ago!) and now all my body hurts and I’ve got bruises all over my legs, but that’s ok, I really loved it!


I want to become real trader, now I’m only learning and it is going tough for me, as I had no experience with trading or anything related to it before. Also I want to keep this title of Miss Dukascopy 2013 well and inspire other girls to believe in your luck and hard work! This is only the beginning, ladies, and I keep on going!

Of course there are much more than that. This is just a basic plan, everything else will be improvisation.
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