So how on the Internet saw a dispute, the woman said that a man must not yield to pregnant women and the elderly and that a man should do anything to anybody. What do you think? At once there wonder why a man should not give way to a pregnant woman or an elderly person? What it promotes, whom she brought up? Maybe she just did not happen to be pregnant? How can you not concede pregnant place? If you do not take into account that it is physically hard, and if it just falls during braking. And he would feel normal? Or do not give way to an elderly person, but we will all be in this place. And with such training, we in old age, in general, public transport will not start. This is an elementary education. And let some not underdeveloped who came up with a bunch of excuses not to raise his fifth point of the seat, promoting such nonsense, do not listen to them and act like. After all, a lot of jerks in life, and we need to think about the future of our children.
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