Dear friends, it has been a while since I posted some community news and feedback from developers team. Here I am again, sharing our successes and also failures with you.

So what's new?

  • Text editor. The new editor allows you more formatting options, is easier to use and allows you to express your imagination in a better way. Also, what is very important, we are going to make it possible to embed our interactive charts and other free-servs into your blog. Never before has it been possible anywhere on the internet. We'll give you all the tools for blogging about trading.
  • Interactive chat. In partnership with our friends from Telefision team, we have embedded a new chat in the Community. You can use the light version for facebook-like interaction and the full version for drawing, sharing, using webcam on an infinite canvas. Here's a little glimpse at how it looks like:

  • As you may have noticed, Miss Dukascopy now has more than 1000 active users. Community now has more than 33 600 accounts. This number has grown 3 times in 1 year time. This is followed by constant increase in activity in DFC:

  • What is even more important, we have translated DFC into biggest languages so that it becomes more international and open for people with no English knowledge. This process is still ongoing, we are adding missing data, fixing some issues that arise but should be finished quite soon.
  • Trader and Strategy contest pages were fully refactored and optimized. We might facelift Strategy Contest a bit, though.
  • Most of the contest main pages now look differently for experienced participants. Earlier, you would see all the marketing info and 1-2-3 instructions on how to participate in the contest. Now just the useful info for you, as a participant.
  • We've started refactoring Participant profiles. You may have witnessed extended Contest Activity page. But this is not it. Very very soon you are going to witness achievement pages in your profile. It might look approximately like that (SPOILER):

And that's not the end. We have got much in pipes and even more planned! Stay tuned.

By the way, this is what we have started with almost 3 years ago:

It wasn't even Community then. Now it is safe to say, we are a Community. Have fun, guys. Thanks fore being with us. We hope to grow bigger and even better. And we are doing what we can to make it possible.
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