What do you think about
FIDELITY nowadays?

"In the hot desert, burning under the sun,
Was walking gray man and blind old woman with him.
Bag on his shoulder and in the throat sand:
They walked in silence, dreaming of water to sip!
Beautiful oasis appeared before them,
As the gateway to paradise carved.
The clerk sits on the bench at the gate -
And fed and clothed, but with a grin mouth.
“Come “, says to the old man, - this is a paradise.
That only you wish can you to choose.
But the old woman left at the gate,
Once again, a smile curled his mouth.

The man wiping tears his blind wife,
And said few words of consolation picking,
Said that there was a mirage in front of them.
Come on, dear, very soon the water source.

This time, it led the way
By a simple porch - "no court, no stake."
The owner friendly, guests given to drink
To both gave bread, and laid to sleep ...
- Sleep calmly, 'said - you are in Paradise.
If you do not leave your old lady,
Eternal kingdom will wait for both you
In Paradise is no place for that who betrayed."

Anastasiia ❤
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