Although, none of my days this week were particularly interesting, I would like to take you through my day on Monday, September 9th. It was a fairly good and busy day. So, here it goes:

1. I started my day early in the morning with going to a hairdresser for a blowout. I don’t do this every day, but only on the days when I have to give market reports on TV in the afternoon. Photos of 'before' and 'after' attached:

2 Next, I was in the office working, but unfortunately I don’t have any good photos of that not particularly interesting part of my day.

3. During my lunch break, I went to the lunch conference hosted by The Economic Club of New York. The Club hosted Honorable Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and Chairman of the Paulson Institute. Mr. Paulson gave a speech on the re-release of On the Brink. Mr. Paulson was an excellent speaker and I enjoyed the conference very much.

4. After the lunch conference I rushed back to the office going through a hot and humid New York City to finish my working day.

5. As soon as I left work, I accidently ran into campaign rally for Mr. Eliot Spitzer. September 9th was a pre-election day here in New York City for the election to take place on September 10th. I would presume, some of you know enough about Mr. Spitzer, but Mr. Spitzer was running for City Controller representing Democratic Party. To be honest with you, I actually like Mr. Spitzer very much and I admire what he did in prosecuting Wall Street, but that’s a long story for another time. Unfortunately, and much to my personal disappointment, Mr. Spitzer lost the election. But something tells me, he will be back.

6. Next, I ran to the RBC-TV studio in downtown Manhattan to give market report on what was happening in the US market at that particular day.

7. On my way home, I stopped by at the Harvard Club to attend another conferenced event hosted by Barron’s magazine and to say hello to a friend of mine who hosted a conference as a Chief Editor of Barron's. The conference covered current developments on Wall Street and its impact on the hedge fund industry. There was a cocktail party afterwards and we took some photos together.

8. Finally, after the cocktail party I walked home to enjoy beautiful evening in New York City. Because it was right before September 11 anniversary, Empire State Building was lit with colors of the American Flag, red, white and blue.

After a fairly long day, I was beat and watched evening news before going to bed. Thank you very much for spending the day with me. Come again!...

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