Heeeeyyy Friends!
This blog mostly devoted to girls and our favorite topic "What to eat for losing weight?". I think men are more easy in this field. No? Mostly you are happy only with good workouts and after you can eat what you want in a smart frames of course.)) But we are, girls, it is totally another story! We are doing crazy workouts almost every day than we are doing different, sometimes painful body shaping treatments and, after all, we are keeping diet! Who won't feel frustrated one day? Tell me. Even if the girl have the strongest power of will ever she will go crazy one day. It is like 1000% sure! After eating the whole cake because of frustration no one will feel good. . It will be depression for few days after together with detox day.
So I believe that everything in our life is about balance and diet as well. Dear girls, we are not robots! We are humans. I would even say the most sensitive and beautiful part of humans. So we have to take care not only of our bodies but of our minds as well. We deserve to allow ourself to eat sometimes something what we really like even if it is not very useful for our waists)))))) Nutritionists are saying that it is good to define a day of the week when you can eat what you want. They say that it is not gonna reflected on your weight and protect your nervous system from frustration. Moreover, no one gonna gain 100 kilos because of the piece of chocolate with morning coffee!
What do you think?

Enjoy your Saturday! J.xoxo
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