There always will be somebody who's better than us - smarter, richer or more beautiful, but no matter what people always have to give themselves 10 on scale from 1 to 10. I give myself 10. I believe, that humans are perfect - with their weaknesses and strenghts. However, I don't say that people shouldn't change to become better. I love and adore myself, but I also try to do better every day.

I'm proud of myself, because I have motivation to wake up at 5.00 am and go for a morning run.
I love that I'm very tolerant and openminded. I can learn quickly and speak 5 languages. My biggest strenght is to stay positive, calm and happy every day. I'm happy because of my healthy body.
If I can't do it, I have to do it - that is my moto. There is no such thing that is impossible for me.

People should never hate themselves for their weaknesses.
Mine are:
Piece of chocolate cake.
Sometimes I can't be honest, if I know that the truth will hurt somebody.
Sometimes to lazy to recycle.
Shopping. Too much.
What are your weaknesses?

Progress keeps me alive. There are some goals and things I would like to change in myself.
1. Become fitter, sleep more, eat healthier - very basic.
2. Improve my singing skills.
3. Play tennis professionally.
4. Learn to make any dish and cook more often.
5. Grow my hair longer.
6. Become more patient.

I'm very happy to be alive. I thankful that I can live life of my dreams. I'm satisfied where I am at and the key to harmony is to take ownership of what you do, do what you love and stay yourself. I whish everyone to be confident. You can do it!
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