Today 1st Sep 2016 at approx 10.26am ET, my mother, Anna Lee, passed away. She would have been 85 years old on 10th Dec 2016. She had 4th stage lung cancer and, yes, she had been smoking since she was 15 or 16 years old. My father passed away some 17 years ago when he was 56 years old from a second stroke followed by heart attack. He was not a smoker and an infrequent social drinker.

It was a good death for my mother because she took her last breath without much pain or suffering. In fact, prior to that faithful day, she had been drifting in and out of her frequent sleep and, as she related to us, sometimes she don’t even know where she is until she came to a big red door and as soon as she passed that door she would see us looking at her on her bed.

Under that circumstances, I would even dare to venture that my late mother is not even aware that she had passed on and is probably wandering around somewhere in the cosmos.

After the initial grief and sorrows of my mother’s passing, I reflect more on the meaning & purpose of life. I looked around and see that nature goes on as it was before 1st Sep-2016…the wind still blows, the sea rise and fall, and the sun rise and set as it has been doing for billions of years. Nothing much seems to have changed from my mother’s death as it will be the same for the rich & poor, kings/queens & beggars, head of states or simple citizens.

ONLY from death can another life begin....e.g. in the most common example: In order for humans to live and continue life, something has to that vegetables or living breathing life.

OR, and logically, only from death can our soul/spirit start life.

So, for something (don't know what yet) to begin or to continue to exist, humans (and possibly other living animals) have to die to release the so-called soul/spirit.
The human flesh simple goes back to (might take a few minutes if being eaten, to a few days and even thousands of years depending on final resting place of the dead body) or return back nourishment to the earth/rivers/oceans from where it took nourishments from as a living thing. When that happens, the life cycle of that human body is complete.

As for the "life form" which get and require nourishments from souls/spirits in order to continue to that's something we humans will have to find out.

One has to die that another may live...that's the cycle of life!

So, what life/entity requires humans to die before it can exist or continue to exist??

======================================================================================== My late mother Anna Lee was an advent believer in and worshipper of the Chinese Goddess Guanyin (Kwan-yin) and I will pray for her faith in the Goddess to be the truth.
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